The Annual Transylvanian Conventions

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First Annual Transylvanian Convention

The Annual Transylvanian Conventions were four Rocky Horror conventions produced by Rick Sloane between 1979 and 1981.
Held in the Los Angeles area, they were the first Rocky Horror conventions to be held on the West Coast.

The First Annual Transylvanian Convention was held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, CA on July 15, 1979.

The Second Annual Transylvanian Convention was held at the Hollywood Holiday Inn in Hollywood, CA on July 20, 1980.

The Semi-Annual Transylvanian Convention was held in Downtown Los Angeles, CA on February 21, 1981.

The Third Annual Transylvanian Convention was held at The Inn At The Park in Anaheim CA on July 12, 1981.
This convention was the beginning of the promotional campaign for Shock Treatment by 20th Century-Fox and was filmed for the TV show Real People.