Erotic Nightmares

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Erotic Nightmares (1980)
Founded in November 1979 in Riverside, CA, Erotic Nightmares was one of the first regular, full-time Rocky Horror performing groups on the West Coast. Based out of the United Artists Cinema 4 - Tyler Mall, Erotic Nightmares performed at many Rocky Horror venues and events in Southern California from November 1979 to February 22, 1981. Members included Vid Kadavre as Frank, Julie Ford as Columbia, Richard Gifford as Riff-Raff, and Troy Martin as The Criminologist. Other core members included Lisa Ciafu and Selina Phanara trading off as Magenta, Sherri Johnson as Janet, and Kurt Koenig as Brad. Patrick Miller & Doug Witt traded-off as Rocky, and Cindy Okert played Eddie.